What You Should Know About Finally Getting Your First Apartment
What You Should Know About Finally Getting Your First Apartment
Tools Used in Development: Articulate Rise
Time in Development: 1-2 Days
First Apartment Rise Storyboard.pptx
First Apartment Storyboard
First Apartment Storyboard
Tools Used in Development: Microsoft PowerPoint
Time in Development: 1-2 Days
Project Challenges
Project Challenges
Time management was the challenge for this project. I had 2 days to research the topic and flesh out the storyboard, and an additional 2 days to design the course.
Project Solutions
Project Solutions
Using the Trello Project Management tool, I was able to plan and execute each part of the course. The storyboard used is straightforward. Articulate Rise was a very user-friendly, web-based platform that made designing the course possible in a short amount of time.